Whole Hemp Seed

( ev7 )


Price includes Postage & Packaging

May help support the digestive system and help ease joint pain and inflammation.

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Equine Vitality's New Hemp is the whole seed keeping all the goodness of nutrients. 

Excellent source of both soluble and insoluble fibre making it highly digestable and palatable, acting as a prebiotic helping to feed the good bacteria living in the GI tract.

A great source of cool energy with may help ease joint pain and inflammation, free of phytoestrogens and rich in oils and proteins, which could contribute to improving skin and coat health and hoof condition.

May improve bone and tendon healing as well as recovery from gastric ulcers.

Compared to Linseed as a source of omega-3 fatty acids, hemp seeds provide a lower relative amount of omega-3 but do contain gamma linolenic acid (GLA), which is a somewhat unique omega-6 fatty acid that supports anti-inflammatory processes. GLA is not found in Linseed or other oils commonly fed to horses.


Whole Hemp Seeds are provide the following Nutritional Analysis:

Protein:   18.00%
Oil:   34.00%
Fibre:   15.00%
Ash:   5.0%
DE (Horses):   18.0 mj/kg as fed
DM:   91.00%
Starch:   4.0% 

Omega 3:   7.1%: 
Omega 6:   19.81%
Omega 6GLA:   1.15%
Omega 6/Omega 3 ratio 3:1
Lysine:   0.6%
Methionine:   0.35%
Calcium:   0.2%
Phosphorous:   0.55%  

Feeding Rate:

Horses - 100 grams a day 

Ponies - 50g per day. 

2 kilos will last 20 days fed at 100 grams per day for a horses

5 x 50ml scoops equals 100 grams

Split between meals

As with all new feeds, build up to the recommended daily feeding rate gradually.

This product is manufactured in a factory which is NOPS certified. 

Store in cool dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep away from children.

2Kg Pouch





Please Note

If you have any concerns about the welfare of your horse or using any supplement, please contact your veterinary surgeon.

Store in cool dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep away from children.




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